About administrator

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So far administrator has created 185 blog entries.

The Best Gift

By |2016-12-05T17:00:07-08:00December 1st, 2014|Blog, Contents|

by Ella Corey When the holiday season comes along there are many different ideas that are incorporated. Not only are there different holidays, but also different ways to celebrate… Christmas [...]

범사에 감사하라

By |2016-12-05T17:00:07-08:00November 25th, 2014|Blog, Contents|

by Haein Jeong 어렸을 때 부모님 손 잡고 교회에 갈 때 종종 부모님께서 헌금 봉투에 쓰시던 문장이 있었다. "범사에 감사합니다." 어린 나이에 "범사"가 무슨 뜻인지 잘 몰랐지만 뭔가 멋있었다. 그 [...]

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