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마틴 루터 킹 목사 51주기 추모예배 김장환 목사 설교
마틴 루터 킹 목사님 51주기 추모예배에서 김장환 목사님께서 추모설교를 하셨습니다.
Tell Me Tuesday #10 – Cornerstone Church (코너스톤교회)
Cornerstone Church (코너스톤교회) Our “Tell Me Tuesday” Travelogs are a series of candid video interviews that spotlight various Christian organizations, leaders, and entrepreneurs throughout Southern California. Want to know more about Cornerstone Church? check out [...]
Tell Me Tuesday #9 – Good Community Church of Torrance (토렌스조은교회)
Good Community Church of Torrance (토렌스조은교회) Our “Tell Me Tuesday” Travelogs are a series of candid video interviews that spotlight various Christian organizations, leaders, and entrepreneurs throughout Southern California. Want to know more about Good [...]
“Mission through Education” with Trudy Kim and David Maddox – Part 1
LightShed Table Talk #65 - "Mission through Education" We have our special guests, Mrs. Trudy Kim and Dr. David Maddox, who will share their insights and captivating stories about their mission fields in South Korea [...]