Lightshed Table Talk #05 – Healing & Reconciliation – “Basics of Healthy Relationship”
Dr. Rick Langer and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff

Healing & Reconciliation: Basics for Healthy Relationship

It is rare to find TV shows or movies that show healthy relationships and families. Dysfunction is more entertaining probably because we can relate to it—but, how and when are we learning what defines a healthy relationship?

A healthy relationship promotes flourishing within relationships on every level—intellectually, spiritually, physically. The relationship should  encourage each other to become a better person—to become more like Christ. Healthy communication climates are made from trust, commitment, acknowledgment, and expectations are being met. We also need to define these criteria and be able to express these to one another.

Relationships that make people feel good and ones that make people actually good can be different. There can be unhealthy relationships that make us emotionally happy. Perception of whether a climate is healthy or not is still enormously subjective, so it is more helpful to be in a community who regularly offers outside input.