By Amanda J. Lee

Why did I touch my Pokémon cards with my greasy Corn Nuts-laden hands? Why?! Nowadays, a mint condition 1st Edition hologram Charizard is currently (as of July 2014) worth $1,899.99 with 38 declined offers on Then, there’s the TamogatchiSabrina the Teenage Witch, and don’t you forget the Green turned White Ranger from the epic Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. MIllennials Navy BG   Millennials (a.k.a. Generation Y) are individuals who are born between the 1980s to the year 2000—though depending on the researcher, these years could vary slightly. Unlike Millennials—whose adolescent years are filled with memories of the exciting  Internet, instant messaging and cellphones—the parents to these techie children had a much different upbringing. The parents of  Millennials are the Baby Boomers (a.k.a. Generation X) whose childhood was filled with rough memories, but whose lives paralleled the economic recovery and growth from the aftermath of WWII.

Millennials Outlook on Living a Meaningful Life

Excerpted from BarnaGroup and Bob Goff’s Multi-Careering

 What does it mean to live a more meaningful life?

Let’s take a look at some of the latest research that could give us a sneak peek into how Millennials would respond to the question above, how they view the world and what they value. Apparently, more than half of all Millennials want to make a difference in the world. They care about it so much that when applying for jobs, they consider whether or not the company they are interested in is making a difference for the betterment of our society at large.

Excerpted from "The 2014 Millennial Impact Report"

Excerpted from “The 2014 Millennial Impact Report”

According to the “The 2014 Millennial Impact Report”, 92% of this next up and coming workforce generation “feel like they’re contributing to a company that is making a positive impact in the world.” Before they accepted to take on these jobs, they considered what kinds of causes the organization advocated. This was more important than both the office environment, diversity and HR awards.

So, what does this mean for our generation—who also holds a reputation for being incredibly self-absorbed,  relationally disconnected, and undisciplined rebels?

Now let’s  look at a very specific pool of Millennials—the Christian Gen Y-ers.These same outlooks and values are ones that we tend to hold even though we try to uphold and live by the Biblical worldview.


Takeaway #1

Millennials crave purpose and meaning in what they do. For children of God, living with purpose means that we are living with a Kingdom perspective (Mt. 6:33), spending our days in the intimacy of God (Mt. 22:37), loving others by affecting lives (Mt. 22:39 & Mt. 28:19-20),  and living out our faith in action (Jas. 1:22).

Takeaway #2

Millennials readily desire and enjoy teamwork to implement a purpose/cause. We were never meant to do Kingdom work all alone. God has made us to work as the Body of Christ (Eph. 4:16) and gifted each of us differently (Rom. 12:4-5) for the purpose of collaboration. If our purpose is what what was just stated above in Takeaway #1, then in order to fulfill that purpose, we must be a part of the church and serving others with others.

Takeaway #3

Millennials are unafraid to take risks or leaps of faith. According to God, no one can please Him without having faith in Him (Heb. 11:6). We must not be afraid, but be boldly confident in Him (2 Cor. 3:4-5) when we take “risks” out of obedience to what God asks of us. In fact, what we may see as fleshly “risks”, end up not being risky anyways because if our God has initiated, it has to be the BEST way.