Finding Freedom in Forgiveness
By Ella Corey I recently came across a significantly powerful story, one that is well known by many, but I was too young to understand when it happened. A female [...]
By Ella Corey I recently came across a significantly powerful story, one that is well known by many, but I was too young to understand when it happened. A female [...]
By Ella Corey In Matt Chandler’s book, To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain, he covers the entire book of Philippians (Paul’s letter to the Philippian church). He calls [...]
By Ella Corey 9 And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” … And God saw that it was good. 11 Then [...]
By Ella Corey As a freshman in college, this year has brought my fair share of tough relationship conflicts. Whether it’s roommate personality clashes, struggles with an old friend, or [...]
By Amanda J. Lee Why did I touch my Pokémon cards with my greasy Corn Nuts-laden hands? Why?! Nowadays, a mint condition 1st Edition hologram Charizard is currently (as of July 2014) [...]
By Haein Jeong | 정해인 월요일 아침이 밝았다. 전 날 교회에서 은혜받으며 결심한대로 눈을 뜨자마자 성경을 펴든다. 마태복음을 1:1절 부터 읽기 시작한다. 그때 "띠리링" 하고 울리는 네**의 속보 기사, 북한이 [...]
By Ella Corey I spent the summer of 2013 interning in Suwon, South Korea. I went knowing absolutely no Korean, had no background of the culture, and wasn’t even familiar [...]
By Ella Corey In an era of hipster Christian bands and iPhone Bible apps, it’s very easy to get caught into the trendy ways of following @Jesus (who, might I [...]
By Ella Corey The Millennial generation is filled with distractions, from constant updates on twitter to daily world crises broadcasted on CNN. Endless sources are perpetually yearning for our attention. [...]
군기가 빠졌지 말입니다 By Haein Jeong | 정해인 한창 열심히 이등병(혹은 이등★?) 생활을 하던 2010년 여름, 나는 나보다 2살어린 고참에게 이런 말을 들었다. "요즘 것 들은 군기가 빠져가지고 [...]