“Living a Counter-public Life” with Dr. Rick Langer and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff
Lightshed Table Talk #04 - Millennials - "Living a Counter-public Life" Dr. Rick Langer and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff Living a Counterpublic Life means carrying and implementing a minority [...]
“Overcoming Blindspots” with Dr. Rick Langer and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff
Lightshed Table Talk #03 - Millennials - "Overcoming Blindspots" Dr. Rick Langer and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff Millennnials can become more dynamic and mature individuals by Overcoming Blindspots like [...]
“Intragenerational Interactions” with Dr. Rick Langer and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff
Lightshed Table Talk #02 - Millennials - "Intragenerational Interactions" Dr. Rick Langer and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff Intragenerational Interactions among millennials means that popular Gen Y words —like social [...]
“Intergenerational Interactions” with Dr. Rick Langer and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff
Lightshed Table Talk #01 - Millennials - "Intergenerational Interactions" Dr. Rick Langer and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff Healthy Intergenerational Interactions are essential for many families, churches, and organizations to [...]
밀레니얼의 세상보기: 성경적인 삶의 3가지 포인트
군기가 빠졌지 말입니다 By Haein Jeong | 정해인 한창 열심히 이등병(혹은 이등★?) 생활을 하던 2010년 여름, 나는 나보다 2살어린 고참에게 이런 말을 들었다. "요즘 것 들은 군기가 빠져가지고 [...]