Reconciling ALL People and ALL Nations
By Ella Corey In Matt Chandler’s book, To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain, he covers the entire book of Philippians (Paul’s letter to the Philippian church). He calls [...]
By Ella Corey In Matt Chandler’s book, To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain, he covers the entire book of Philippians (Paul’s letter to the Philippian church). He calls [...]
이걸 확? 이 세상 어느 조직에 가도 정말 꼴보기 싫은 사람 한두명은 있기 마련이다. 회사에서 만나는 이상한 선배, 학교에서 자꾸 숙제 보여달라는 동기, 군대에서 이상하게 정이 안가는 후임 [...]
Created by Sara Cowan Reconciliation has been promoted throughout the world. Relationship reconciliation. Racial reconciliation. Religious group reconciliation. International reconciliation. Yet, how often do we hold ourselves in [...]
Lightshed Table Talk #07 - Healing & Reconciliation - "Tips for Mending Relationships" Dr. Rick Langer and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff Healing & Reconciliation: Tips for Mending Relationships We [...]
Lightshed Table Talk #06 - Healing & Reconciliation - "Causes of Unhealthy Relationships" Dr. Rick Langer and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff Healing & Reconciliation: Causes of Unhealthy Relationship When [...]
Lightshed Table Talk #05 - Healing & Reconciliation - "Basics of Healthy Relationship" Dr. Rick Langer and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff Healing & Reconciliation: Basics for Healthy Relationship It [...]
By Ella Corey 9 And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” … And God saw that it was good. 11 Then [...]
극동방송 LA지사 홈페이지의 오픈을 축하하는 전달훈 박사님과 서경란 교수님의 메시지입니다.
By Ella Corey As a freshman in college, this year has brought my fair share of tough relationship conflicts. Whether it’s roommate personality clashes, struggles with an old friend, or [...]
2014년 9월 9일부터 23일까지 Denver, Durango, Dallas, Fort Worth, Waco 에서 김장환 목사님의 집회와 대구 어린이합창단의 미주 순회 연주가 있었습니다.