Finding Freedom in Forgiveness
By Ella Corey I recently came across a significantly powerful story, one that is well known by many, but I was too young to understand when it happened. A female [...]
By Ella Corey I recently came across a significantly powerful story, one that is well known by many, but I was too young to understand when it happened. A female [...]
By Ella Corey In Matt Chandler’s book, To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain, he covers the entire book of Philippians (Paul’s letter to the Philippian church). He calls [...]
이걸 확? 이 세상 어느 조직에 가도 정말 꼴보기 싫은 사람 한두명은 있기 마련이다. 회사에서 만나는 이상한 선배, 학교에서 자꾸 숙제 보여달라는 동기, 군대에서 이상하게 정이 안가는 후임 [...]
Lightshed Table Talk #07 - Healing & Reconciliation - "Tips for Mending Relationships" Dr. Rick Langer and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff Healing & Reconciliation: Tips for Mending Relationships We [...]
Lightshed Table Talk #06 - Healing & Reconciliation - "Causes of Unhealthy Relationships" Dr. Rick Langer and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff Healing & Reconciliation: Causes of Unhealthy Relationship When [...]
Lightshed Table Talk #05 - Healing & Reconciliation - "Basics of Healthy Relationship" Dr. Rick Langer and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff Healing & Reconciliation: Basics for Healthy Relationship It [...]
By Ella Corey 9 And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” … And God saw that it was good. 11 Then [...]
By Ella Corey As a freshman in college, this year has brought my fair share of tough relationship conflicts. Whether it’s roommate personality clashes, struggles with an old friend, or [...]